Thursday, October 31, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

No topic - Assignment Example t from the questions based only on ‘yes/no’ there would be questions asking for the personal view of employees in regard to a series of critical issues, such as the level of equality in the workplace, the fairness in compensation and so on (Macey et al. 2011); through such information, that could not be retrieved through other performance measurement tool, managers could have a clear view in regard to employee satisfaction and could suggest effective measures for improving retention. In order to be prepared for survey feedback meetings with managers OD practitioners should proceed to the following actions: a) they need to analyze the data gathered so that key findings are identified and appropriately evaluated; b) then, OD practitioners should search for plans for addressing existing organizational problems, as revealed through the survey feedback; c) OD practitioners should also decide on changes that would be required in regard to one or more organizational departments; the changes would be decided depending on the performance of each organizational department, the organizational objectives and the resources available (Sengupta et al. 2006). In Hallmark there is a series of seasonal components, as for example: a) Specific products are available for Holidays, such as: for Valentine’s Day, for the Passover, for Easter and so on, b) there are products related to Occasions, such as Wedding or Birthday; c) depending on the Recipient, products have been introduced for men, for women and for kids, d) there are products that reflect a specific psychological status/ feeling, such as Sympathy or Wishes for rapid recovery (Hallmark, Organizational

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to Present Term Paper - 5

Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to Present - Term Paper Example ef that many individuals have that animals cannot be considered as sentient beings; therefore, extending any form of rights or the expectation thereof, is tantamount to extending rights to an unconscious object. Ultimately, the debate is somewhat circular due to the fact that neither animal rights activists nor their counterparts who advocate a reduction in animal rights rules and practice can definitively prove that consciousness exists within animals and therefore is worthy of a level of respect. With respect to this brief analysis, the author will propose an opposing viewpoint with regards to the inherent belief that animals should engender further rights and protections under law. Whereas it should not be noted that this analysis will take a contrary in view of the fact that animals are important, should be respected, and preserved for future generations, it will be the express intent of this author to engage the reader with an understanding for the fact that many of the fundamen tal arguments that animal rights activists put forward as evidence for why further animal rights should be manifested within the current world are fundamentally flawed. Firstly, it must be understood that humans are most certainly the most evolved creatures that exist on earth. By means of the process of evolution, humans have a degree of power and control with regards to their environment. For many years, individuals of a religious persuasion believed that God had given mankind â€Å"dominion† over the earth. However, whether or not one believes in evolution or whether or not one believes in intelligent design is not the issue; rather, the issue is the fact that the overall intellects and functional capacity of humans necessarily places them in a situation that they are able to make a discerning judgments and determine value based upon the needs and rights of the environment around them. Said one author, â€Å"There are a lot of people in the animal rights movement who can be very

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rituals And Beliefs In Venezuela

Rituals And Beliefs In Venezuela In Venezuela and around the world has had been developed endless medical specialties, psychological, science and technology very rapidly, in the same way and nearly at the same speed, also, has emerged a large number of beliefs, myths, religions that each day rises with a booming effect. In fact, in the XXI century these religions, beliefs and superstitious practices, such as witchcraft, they manifest themselves with a large number of followers and/or curious people that are consulted with the idea that the shaman, medium or wizard help them to solve their problems, whether physical, mental, economic or any other nature. Some people queried for evil or revenge from others who according to them are the responsible to the origin of the conflict, and then there are those still without ever having attended a witchcraft ritual or religion and they are usually followers of Christianity or Catholicism, those people express to believe or to be under the effects of a work of magic and / or sorcery, or have a firm belief that witchcraft is real and something to be fear of. We often hear from these people phrases like I dont believe in witches, but if there are, there are, or with the Saints do not play (referring to Santeria which is a syncretic cult of witchcraft). Santeria: A religion that combines beliefs of the Yoruba and Bantu people of Southern Nigeria, Senegal, and the Guinea coast with elements of Roman Catholicism, with roots in the Caribbean. Donnelly (2005:65) explains how in this century Venezuelans increasingly break with a series of taboos imposed from the Spanish conquest about customs and religion, which opens a new door to the practice of rituals, spiritualism and occultism, being a heritage of ancestors, natives and slaves of the past. This cultural legacy, talking about occultism, rites and religions intermingle to combine religion, magic, occultism, between the sacred and pagan, between the rational and irrational, is to give a deeper meaning to life or tangible and its problems, is to looking for a closer God and not abstract or distant one. (Marin,1986:27). Because many of the religious practices and beliefs are transmitted by oral tradition, such as Santeria, they have not established a clear basis; in fact many of these religions and pseudo religions are characterized by a complex process of syncretism that even today continues. According Gruson (1970:34), the most popular religion is Catholicism, where 80 percent of the population consider themselves Catholic, whether or not they are participants. The faithful believe in God, but he is far from this world, the rites are directed towards the saints, the Virgin and the Souls who are closer to the humans. Religion provides the afflicted people the solution of many problems, including physical and mental health; also it has recreational purposes (dances, parties), psychological (ego gratification, when a person has an important position in the ritual organization), social (cronyism) and medicinal (miracle cures). Popular religions believe in nature spirits and other supernatural entities, ghosts and miraculous goblins, this is considered Catholic and does not cause damage to the basic structure of religion. Private rites are secrets, they are done in time of crisis, performed with a single purpose, but the intention is to alleviate the problem of the client or do evil, while the public rites are rather linked to official Catholicism. A mixture between paganism and sacred characterizes popular Catholicism. The rituals and symbols of Catholicism often have a different meaning for members of the educated classes than lower class or humble peasants. Catholics go to church, but also they practice rites of Santerà ­a at spiritualist centres, at the same time they may visit the graves of folk saints, spiritual healers or get a consultation via Internet. Even in most TV channels is possible to watch programs of cartomancy, tarot, among others, with a considerable rating, over 7%. (IBOPE AGB Venezuela, 2010). For example, baptism is considered a rite that protects the newborn against all evil influences; the cross for example, contains powers to ward off evil spirits. Although the Christianization of the Indians and black slaves during the colonial era, many concepts and oldest religious practices were preserved, which could flourish outside of official Christianity, all this is embedded so strong on this culture, that some medical professionals recommend the use of spell against the evil eye and shingles (sufferings of religious connotation) (Molina,1947:90-110). There is no evidence of serious or reflective studies regarding the present topic, but it is interesting to note that religious and pagan is widespread in this country, rituals of witchcraft, sorcery, popular religiosity and Catholic beliefs has been mixed together; among the most common are Nigerian Santeria or traditional and Cuban santeria (Martin, 1983:74). The practice of psychotherapy in Venezuela is new, there are very few professionals in the country and it is not specifically regulated by any entity, except the Venezuelan Association of Psychotherapist (AVEPSI), located in the capital city Caracas and formed in 2009. The practice of this specialty in Venezuela is highly welcomed by the general public, but a continuous education and feedback from the therapist towards the client and vice versa, in areas such as clinical hypnosis, beliefs in the supernatural, myths and rituals are necessary. The therapist may face a diversity of situations, similar to those faced Carl Jung and referred in his thesis On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena (1902) in which he describes a young woman apparently suffering supernatural attacks. According to the previous explanation, surges a need to do a study that lead to answer the following question: Does beliefs; religious or esoteric practices of Venezuelans influence the psychotherapeutic practice in Venezuela? From the above question arise the following objectives: General objective Describe the influence of religions, beliefs, magic and witchcraft in the practice of psychotherapy in Venezuela SPECIFIC OBJETIVES Identify religious beliefs, magic or witchcraft on patients attending psychotherapeutic consultation. Estimate approximately the practice of religious rituals, magic or witchcraft in clients attending to psychotherapeutic consultation. Recognize the efficiency of Psychotherapy Techniques in the treatment of clients with religious tendencies or witchcraft practitioners. CHAPTER I Theoretical Framework Rites and Beliefs in Venezuela Some scholars take the practice of witchcraft in Venezuela as somewhat folkloric (Cazabone, 2009:89) unlike other countries where some rites have diabolical connotations with animal sacrifices involved. This folkloric aspect is closely linked with the Venezuelan humorous character, who in general do not take very seriously the powers of magic; the just in case, or I dont believe in witches, but if there are, there are, gives a sense of belief in certain aspects in the occult. Branch (in Zalazar et al, 2001:67) concluded that this Venezuelan way of be is a historic stereotype, derivative from miscegenation and the character of the participants on it, highlighting the ingenuity of indigenous, the hard labour of black workers and the conquerors arrogance. These archetypes explains Branch, play an important role to explaining the Venezuelan people characteristics , concluding that the Venezuelan broadly is cheerful and humorous by its black and Spanish heritage, smart for his Spanish and Indian roots, loving and generous the Indian heredity, but by the other hand, the negative side, lazy by the Indian essence, disorganized and wasteful by their black ancestry, disrespectful to the law and violent by the Spanish origin, nevertheless none of these influences have or are backed by scientific evidence, are simply social images that continue to be relevant (Zalazar et al, 2001:89). Moreover, beliefs and magic-religious practices are a privileged means to express realities, conflicts, emotions and hidden feelings, taking place beyond the ability to be rational. Christian (2009:30-45) explains that a great number of people light candles to different deities (Black First, Philip Black, Guaicaipuro, Maria Lionza, etc.) In order they may grant miracles or favours. This use of gadgets is a psychological strategy, Figueroa (2005:82) explains that humans use to control their lives and overcome their limitations in an environment that sometimes exceeds his capacity for understanding and action. Moreover, the use of talismans and / or amulets or just called vulture seed, the aloe plant are used in rituals and cults as a means of protection or lucky charms. Cabazone (2009:97) describes that the leader and ex-president Romulo Betancourt said with an air of certainty that his pipe was put under spell by a witch, and many believed that this was the key to its success. Magic and all its techniques is one of these resources and sometimes this faith on a ritual or belief generates spectacular solutions. Figueroa (2005:89) suggest, that the use of talismans and amulets dates from the ancient times and worldwide great men, politicians, artists, soldiers, athletes, etc., have behaved and carry symbols of good luck, giving high regard to the power of positive suggestion, so have been able to accomplish their purposes. The psychological effect makes believers to have faith on the amulet, rite, or talisman. The role of religion in Venezuelan culture and beliefs As discussed, the cultural background and miscegenation have been influential in Venezuelan culture, even on the whole Latin America despite an apparent secularization. Notably, worldwide, all cultures of the world were shaped by religion, no one ethnic group escapes this process and on the same area, magical religious traditions and customs have influenced significantly in social relationships, community life and moral codes, this faith in supernatural beings is evident not only in Venezuela but throughout the world (Pollak-Eltz, 2004:69). In Venezuela and throughout Latin America, Catholicism, shaped the culture that until recently had absolute monopoly; all social classes were influenced. Today the official and popular religions are expressions of different types of lifestyles, on the one hand, traditional or popular religiosity has curative and magical and is generally practiced by popular sectors and secondly official Roman Catholicism practiced by people in urban areas. In this sense, the proliferation of rites and beliefs and personal interpretations of followers and practitioners and the lack of a defined priestly liturgy make these practices and cults an easy target of charlatans and abusers. Among the most popular cults is that of Maria Lionza, in which the medium is possessed he or she fall in trance (matter) and them the spirit that possesses the person is consulted and this gives advice to the person seeking help. The cult of Maria Lionza is complex and covers all magical and religious beliefs of Venezuelan people and forms a synthesis of magical practices, within a religious context. (Pollak-Eltz, 2004:82). Can be said that this is a syncretic cult with practical solutions through rituals that recognize the values of Christianity, in fact, Maria Lionza is sometimes identified with the Virgin of Coromoto and/or an indigenous spirit. Magic is present on this cult and its techniques are neither good nor bad, but can be used for do good or evil. Wizards pretend to manipulate those forces and claim to possess supernatural and extraordinary powers to communicate with the supernatural world (matter). Pollak-Eltz (2004:83) states that Faith is the cause of miracles. Because these techniques can be learnt, the magician is not responsible for acts performed; he or she is an officer to whom the client pays their services. This magician or medium often has the knowledge to solve problems and cure diseases, and is an excellent psychologist despite his limited formal education. According Pollak-Eltz (2004:106) or pagan religion of witchcraft was faded from the countryside to the cities. This culture is broadly Christian and despite advances in technology and medicine is popular religiosity more alive than ever, and thats because the popular religion is utilitarian, giving spiritual support and serves as a psychological calming in times of personal crisis. Saignes (in Pollak-Eltz 2004:65), states that Historically, whites and slaves used to consult black healers that often had more success than white surgeons in healing the sick. Their knowledge on medicinal plants and magical rites brought a increased the prestige of the African medicine-men. This figure of the magician or sorcerer could be seen as the representation of an idol, which has the privilege to channel and guide the prosperity or misfortune at will of others. This is reflected according to Rojas (2006:30), in the particular character of Venezuelan people when they worship a person or religious figure on which can be trusted and surrender. Popular Religion The misfortunes and influence that the church had in the 19th and 20th has no relevance in how Venezuelans built his ideas about faith and deities. Since colonial times, this unique blend between religion and popular religion came framed on a profound mystery of the supernatural and esoteric (Gackstetter et al, 2010:45). There is a term called The three powers, has nothing to do with the Catholic Trinity. Maria Lionza is symbolized as the Virgin Mary, these represent the three main components of the country identity, in other words, European, African and indigenous. On this court of spirits enters Simon Bolivar (liberator of Venezuela from Spanish rule) Andrà ©s Bello, Negro Felipe (First Black, a black slave who was also murdered by the colonists), Negra Matea (Bolà ­vars nanny), Jose Gregorio Hernandez and other Catholic saints. The cult of Maria Lionza is not a religion guided or hierarchical; the shaman or mediums simply ask questions to the believers about their families, problems, disputes, financial problems, or medical problems. Sometimes people who seek help and have a relative in jail, seek help from Juan Vicente Gomez, those political questions do through Simon Bolivar. Believers generally have a high intensity of spiritual devotion, and made a pilgrimage to Sorte Mountain (near Chivacoa in Yaracuy State) with the belief that the goddess will solve the situation or mishap. Believers choose a corner in the woods or a bend in the river to build an altar from which invoke, this is called portals. Usually is decorated with photographs, figures and figurines, glasses with rum or brandy, cigars, cigarettes cross, flowers and fruits. There are several versions of this legend. One of them says that a green-eye Indian woman called Yara was baptized as Maria del Prado of Talavera de Niva. The Cacique Yaracuy sent her to the mountains where it is said she rode on an ounce (leopardus pardali). So Mary was called the Onza and then Maria Lionza. It is believed that her cult was born of devotion to the forces of nature and the spirits of the rivers, jungles and caves. Maria Lionza is part of a trinity along with Guaicaipuro, an Indian chief murdered by the Spanish colonists, and Negro Felipe. These three saints are the leading figures of the cult and lead several courts of lesser deities. These courts are: The Indian Court led by Marà ­a Lionza and composed of many Venezuelan Indian chiefs. The Medical Court led by Josà © Gregorio Hernà ¡ndez and composed of many other famous doctors. The Court of the Juans made up by a number of figures belonging to Venezuelan folklore. The Teachers Court led by Andrà ©s Bello and some other authors. The Black and African Court, led by popular black figures of Venezuelan history such as La Negra Matea (who was a slave to the Bolivars and nanny of Simà ³n Bolà ­var), and El Negro Primero (Pedro Camejo) who was known as Negro Primero because he was black and also among the first to go into combat. The Celestial Court composed of a number of Catholic saints. The Political Court, which includes Simà ³n Bolà ­var. The Court of Malandros, made up of deceased criminals. The Viking Court, with various of the important Viking chiefs. Maria Lionza has had a great social and cultural significance that transcends their followers. Her cult was unveiled outside Yaracuy to the 50s of last century, when in 1953 during the tenure of General Marcos Pà ©rez Jimà ©nez, the sculptor Alexander Hill (1901-1953) built the famous sculpture of Maria Lionza on a Tapir, (Tapirus terrestris), which has been for over 50 years on the Eastern Freeway in Caracas. On this cult nothing is written, is transmitted orally from generation to generation (cited in, 2021). Most relevant Churches and cults in Venezuela Among religious organizations and cults largest in the country are: (source: Directorate of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Justice in Venezuela,1989). 1. Protestant or Evangelical: After the Diet of Speyer* or Diet of Spires protest in 1529, there was no intention of proselytizing in Latin America, neither to the evangelizing mission. The main interest was focused only on the Reformation, which resulted that Protestantism could not take root in Latin America until the mid-nineteenth century with little success. However, over the years the indicators have changed, even the statistics of late twentieth century are really growing not only in terms of evangelical denominations but also on other spiritualistic denominations. They are grouped into the following: a. Anglicanism. b. Presbyterian Church c. Lutheran Church. d. Baptists. e. New Tribes Mission. *Diet of Speyer or Diet of Spires refers to any of the sessions of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire, of which 50 took place between 838 and 1570 in the city of Speyer (Spires), now in Germany. The most famous sessions occurred in 1526 and 1529 (Wikipedia 2011). 2. Confederate Evangelicals: Religious currents coming from the United States and has Christian connotations. 3. The Pentecostals: They represent a rapidly growing movement with unique characteristics. This religious movement is marked by Methodism and the American Baptists. Pentecostals came to Venezuela in 1940, and its founder the Rev. Irvin Olson, an American Baptist who chose Barquisimeto as pilot center to establish the first Assembly of God in Venezuela. Then extend his work to Caracas the capital city and Falcon. 4. Pseudo Christian religion or Millennialists: These religions tend to grow easily. They have in common that their founders made a personal interpretation of the Bible, creating a new dogma around it, which means, to give different meaning to the tradition, followers believe to have the absolute truth (Mangas and Montero, 2001:110). In Venezuela there are three organizations: The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA), Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons, the latter without registration within the Directorate of Justice and Religion. a. Seventh-day Adventists Church. b. Jehovahs Witnesses. c. Mormons. 5. Spiritual Centre: Its the Venezuelan significant inclination toward the esoteric, rituals and astral. It is not based on beliefs but on personal needs. This conciliation between the sacred and the profane has its essence in animism and polytheism primitive Strengthened by the African Christian cult with an apparent institutionalism. The Indians embraced the faith of the Catholic Church, but the survival of their beliefs and their closeness to the African slaves produced that Kind of new beliefs. 5.1. The popular indigenous court: This tendency is associated to aboriginal elements. For example, the Indian man thought on the power of natural phenomena, on the stones, lakes, rivers, and the acquisition of that supernatural power conceived by their gods. These beliefs were transmitted to subsequent generations and were fed by transcultural elements including Santeria and Spiritualism. There is no hierarchy that identifies these elements on the contemporary society. What for the Indian was a deity for the healer now is a means of economic livelihood and it is seen as a company with excellent clientele. 5.2. Spiritualists: Along with santeria, this is one of the most advanced forms of mysterious beliefs based mostly on spiritualism of Allan Kardec, French teacher and educator. He is known today as the systematizer of Spiritism for which he laid the foundation with the five books of the Spiritist Codification. It is believed that Spiritism entered to our country under the influence of immigrants from Brazil and Colombia, product of oil fever. There is no hierarchy around which are organized. The chief head leads the worship and is invoking otherworldly beings, becoming the medium and are called to perform miracles, healings, among others of its kind. 5.3. Santeria: This form of religion is more complex than others. There is a mix of indigenous elements with spiritualist elements, African and Christian origining a semi-organized hybrid. This religion takes the structure of an ancient African tribal religion of the coast of Nigeria, and has three priestly orders: the babalaos, the Orishas ministers and priests of a particular deity. African slaves brought this religion and their main centres are in Brazil, Cuba, and Haiti, subsequently gaining followers in Colombia and Venezuela (Gonzalez-Wippler, 1989:45). The Santeria in Venezuela have made an even greater mixture, they have found an equivalence between the African gods with Catholic saints, so, for example, Chango (god of lightning and thunder) has its equivalent on Santa Barbara, Oshun (river goddess) at Nuestra Seà ±ora de la Caridad del Cobre (Our Lady of Charity of Copper) and so on, giving a deity character to popular saints like Jose Gregorio Hernandez, Maria Lionza, Negro Felipe, among many others. To the priests formation a kind of tutor is assigned, who is responsible to teach the apprentice all mysteries and then a new priest is ordained. They prepare their ceremonies at sites near rivers or on a mountain as located at Sorte, Yaracuy. Once ordained, the priest is ready to heal, and to remove evils spirits, that acording to them are the ones who tie the individual. Constants pilgrimages are made from inside the country to Sorte Mountain. There are transport companies that offer their services to the mountain, plus a large number of ordained priests, commonly called doctors or sorcerers, who organize these trips from their centres. It will be noted that trade (merchandising) around these cults is prosperous (consultations, travel, esoteric products, candles, text, perfumes, etc). 5.4. The cult of Maria Lionza: The cult of Maria Lionza comes to represent the formation of a Venezuelan indigenous religion with elements of other cultures, in which prevails the origing of the worship of a deity indigenous enriched with Africans religious culture and spiritualism. 6. Sects 6.1. The Moonies: The name usually are due to its founder Sun Myung Moon, born in North Korea in 1920. The organization has the official name of Association for the Unification of World Christianity (AUCM) and aims to create a society based on the seeding of spiritual values and on the driving of the family towards real peace. 6.2. Scientology: Its founder is the American Lafayette Ron Hubbard (1911-1986), a specialist in 25 professions in which stand out those of the writer of science fiction (65millones of copies sold of the book The Way to Happiness and screenwriter) . The church is considered a company in all aspects. They have a very distinct structure. Its principles are based on the Dianetics which consists of the individual healing itself freeing the enslaved spirit. The procedure to achieve this end is by attending sessions called audition where the individual is subjected to purification by employing a tool called electropsychometer device that detects areas of spiritual distress. This method is progressive. The initiate discards their old beliefs and acquires new rules that he/she must comply according with the amount of promotions obtained. 6.3. Eastern Syncretism: Unlike the animadversion generated in Venezuela during a good part of twentieth century the sects, today are accepted and a significant number of Venezuelans profess parallel and simultaneously in their religion some of these beliefs. It is common to hear things like this: I am a Catholic but I received the tao or I am a Catholic but I like going to the talks of Buddhist metaphysics. All this is due to the openness of the Eastern sects who reconciled Christianity with their religious precepts and the openness of Venezuelan society to allow several beliefs coexist with both. The use of ritual in psychotherapy as a tool for change The use of rituals is an effective tool in some patients on the practice of psychotherapy in Venezuela and is often the only way to convince the patient that his mind can be healed, free from beings, spirits, influences, or spells that threatening the physical and mental health of the person. The ritual was always an issue discussed by anthropologists who have described the customs and rituals of peoples and communities. Its therapeutic efficacy for change has been described by many clinicians in systemic literature (Ochoa de Alda, 1995:89). Notably rituals are not heritage of therapists, but procedures of the peoples, families and cultures. An important point is that, in practice as therapists, it should take into account the importance of these phenomena on individuals and families who participate in these traditions (and any other), and knowing these procedures, that are made spontaneously it may arise new ideas for generating alternatives that can be used on a therapeutic context, in order to try to encourage changes that help to get a more adaptive performance, not symptomatic, of families and individuals who, because of their suffering, come to seek therapy. In addition, and of course, as an element well worked, can provide substantial information, especially relational. In psychotherapy is considered that a ritual includes a set of actions and / or symbolic interactions more or less structured, they are not restricted only to the completion ceremony, but include the entire process of preparation, the implementation experience and reintegration back to everyday life (Rappaport, 1971:12). A ritual must be composed of the following elements: symbols, open and closed parts and the need to be developed in a space and in a special time (Whiting, 1991:56). The symbols or symbolic actions are the minimum element would constitute a ritual. The link to the meaning of the symbol that appears is usually a personal construction, family or social. Besides rituals symbols consist of open parts and closed parts together. The enclosed parts are the parts of unchanging ritual common to all performing the ritual, these parts provide the minimum structure rigid enough to reassure strong emotional components, transmit important values and give concrete form to the shares. Instead open parts provide sufficient flexibility for each of the participants in the ritual hand contribution to personal and idiosyncratic experience. In the rituals with an important cultural root is usually prescribed by tradition the place and time that will be the realization of the ceremony. The symbols or symbolic actions are the minimum element that would constitute a ritual. The link of the symbol regarding to the meaning that appears is usually a personal construction, family or social. Besides symbols, the rituals consist of open parts and closed parts that are joined. The closed parts are the parts of unchanging ritual common to everyone who is performing the ritual, these rigid parts provide the minimum structure enough to bring security against strong emotional components, transmit important values and give concrete form to the actions. Instead open parts provide sufficient flexibility for each of the participants in the ritual and the possibility that each one can make his/her contribution according their personal and idiosyncratic experience. The rituals, which have an important cultural root, are usually performed following the tradition, on the place and time specific to the achievement of the ceremony. Type of rituals Rites of passage or transition rituals: described in 1909 by A. Van Gennep. These rituals are performed in the transitions experienced by individuals and groups throughout the life cycle, marking the end of a stage of development and the beginning of a new one. Van Gennep after studying various cultures argues the universality of such rituals. Continuation: rites of intensification. Unlike the transition rituals that are usually performed only once in life of every individual, continuity rituals are executed repeatedly, their purpose is to set the pace of life and maintain continuity, normality within each stage of life cycle. Healing rituals: This would include the rituals performed to cure, heal and keep out certain diseases. Therapeutic Rituals: This includes rituals developed by therapists and used in psychotherapeutic practice, nevertheless psychotherapy may be considered in some cases as a ritual. Haley (1973) considered the treatment that is carried out to treat certain problems and that arise in adolescence (psychosis, behavioural disorders, anorexia) is like an initiation ritual, through which it promotes individuality and necessary emancipation required from the young, as a way to restore him or her to a normal life cycle. Functions of rituals: Ochoa De Alda (1995:56) explains that the main functions that meet the rituals described in the life of societies, peoples, families and individuals are: Rituals make life predictable, providing a sense of belonging to the group that affects the sense of identity of individuals that form it. Rituals, does order and regulate the social functioning, confirming the social structure, while promoting an evolution in this with minimal conflicts. Another primary function is the transmission of culture, values and lasting norms. By one hand, it does create a sense of solidarity, cohesion and continuity in groups, and on the other hand, contribute significantly to the creation of the belief systems of a group (Van der Hart, Voogt and Witzum, 1989:56). The traditional rituals not only channelled social coordination between individuals, families, communities and villages in the here and now, but also between the past, present and future represented by the different generations (Davis, 1987:67). The rituals of transition, allow passing from one stage to other on the life cycle. Its first element of action does that roles, relationships, and world standards are modified during their execution (Davis, 1987:78). Admitting that any transition is to a greater or lesser extent an imbalance, ritual ceremonies

Friday, October 25, 2019

Catch 22 :: essays research papers

America has been involved in the cold war for years. The fear of communism is ruining lives. The country moves closer and closer to the Korean war. Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 is published. 1963- College students are seen wearing army fatigues with "Yossarian" name tags. Reports are being made about a "Heller Cult". Bumper stickers are manufactured which read, "Better Yossarian then Rotarian". The phrase "Catch 22" has surfaced meaning a "no win situation" it is now an excepted word in the English dictionary. Such a dramatic change in opinion from the earlier, Pro-war society, it is obvious that Catch 22 had some impact on the anti-war movement of the 1960’s-1970’s. Not to say the book was the one reason the movement started, It was certainly a catalyst. A protest novel, Heller’s story portrays the absurdity of bureaucracy, the stupidity of war, and the power they both have to crush the human spirit. Heller us es a war zone setting, to satirise society at large. He compares the commanding officers to Incompetent businessmen. "Don’t mumble, and mumble "sir" when you do, and don’t interrupt, and say "sir" when you do." Desiring promotion over every thing else, Colonel Cathcart keeps raising the number of missions the men of his squadron must fly. Even though the army says they need fly only forty, a bureaucratic trap called "Catch 22" says they can’t go home at forty because they must obey their commanding officers. Much like the work place, the men are forced to go through endless amounts of red tape, which hardly gets them anywhere. Yossarian tries to pretend he is crazy to get out of fighting. He signs "Washington Irving" on letters he censors, and walks around naked for a couple of days. If someone is crazy he needs only ask and he can be dismissed from duty. Yet, one would be crazy to fly, and only a sane person wou ld ask to stop, Yossarian is therefore not crazy and is ordered to continue flying his missions. Heller also demonstrates the effect war has on one’s mind. All of the pilot’s are coping (except Yossarian) with the war in different ways†¦The daredevil pilot, McWatt, loves to buzz his friend Yossarian’s tent. Mess officer Milo Minderbender turns his job into an international black-market food syndicate. Lead Bombardier Havermeyer Zeros in on target’s, no matter how much anti-aircraft peppers his plane.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marcus Garvey Research Paper Essay

Post-Civil war America exercised the segregation of Whites and Blacks. Originally, the aim of this division was to keep everything separate but equal. By the late 1800’s into the 1900’s, the â€Å"separate but equal† motive adapted into the superiority of Whites, leaving much racial tension and limitation for the freed slaves and their ancestors. Marcus Garvey, like many social activists, had many goals to either remove this separation, or to completely relocate America’s blacks to a new place of their own. Marcus Garvey’s ideas of black nationalism and fighting oppression helped shape the identity of African Americans in the United States during the 1920’s. Marcus Garvey was born on August 17, 1887 in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. He began his career as a magazine editor by traveling and residing in Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, and London. He eventually began studying Law and Philosophy at Birkbeck College in London. While living in London, he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA), which was dedicated to black racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa. He also became the editor of Negro World, a magazine dedicated to black nationalism, including poetry and articles about African pride and ancestry. In June 1919, Garvey founded the Black Star Line of Delaware, a shipping line for the transportation of goods and to later aid his campaign for his â€Å"Back to Africa† movement. After a year of success, the shipping line went bankrupt. His immediate business failure led him to being accused of mail fraud. Investigator Edwin P. Kilroe attempted to arrest Garvey of his fraud and UNIA associations, although he had not found enough evidence to do so. After back and forth tension between Kilroe and Garvey, on October 1919 a man named George Tyler arrived to Garvey’s office stating â€Å"Kilroe sent me†. Tyler then proceeded to shoot him 4 times with a . 38-caliber revolver. Garvey was then wounded in the right leg and scalp. On August 1, 1920, Garvey proposed his Liberia Program to 25,000 people. This program was to strive for the building of colleges, industry, and railroads to create a permanent homeland for the African Americans in Liberia, Africa. In June 1923, Garvey was finally convicted of mail fraud and sentenced to five years in prison. In 1927 he was released by President Coolige, but deported back to Jamaica. Garvey finished out his years in London, creating the Edelweiss Amusement Company which helped exposed talented but financially unstable musicians and artists. He continued to expose his ideas to future UNIA leaders by setting up an African philosophy school in Toronto. In 1940, Garvey had a stroke, but survived until he read a false obituary of himself stating he had died â€Å"broke, alone, and unpopular†, thus leading to his fatal second stroke. Marcus Garvey died on June 10, 1940. Garvey’s main ideas were closely distinguished with the Pan-African movement in England, where he lived most of his life. His goals were â€Å"to unify people of color against imperialism all over the world† (McKissack 79) Works Cited McKissack, Patricia and Frederick. W. E. B Dubois. New York: Franklin Watt, 1990. â€Å"Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)†. Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. Encyclop? dia Britannica Inc. , 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013 .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Burberry Case Study Essay

1. The Burberry brand has be come a symbol of both luxury and durability. The brand has been repositioned to a niche market between cutting-edge fashion apparel, like Armani, and classic fashion apparel, like Polo Ralph Lauren. Burberry has also excelled in the accessories market, positioning itself between the Coach and Gucci brands. Burberry does not want to be cutting-edge fashion and at the same time, does not want to be viewed as just classic, as this market is already saturated with other brands. Burberry represents â€Å"accessible luxury†, meaning they were fashionable, but also functional. Burberry’s competitive position is sustainable over the long-term providing that the industry itself remains stable. Burberry’s competitors, like Ralph Lauren, have proven that they can maintain their position over the long-term in both low-end traditional and high-end fashion markets so I believe Burberry has the capability to do the same. Burberry maintains its posit ion of fashionable and functional. If they can do this, the barrier to entry for this niche should remain too high for competitors to enter. 2. Since her arrival at Burberry, Rose Marie Bravo set out to make Burberry â€Å"great from a global perspective†. She attempted to do this by implementing multiple key changes to the Burberry brand. These changes include repositioning the brand, updating the product line, establishing flagship stores, expanding the brand portfolio, and promoting the new brand image. Bravo was able to reposition the Burberry brand into the category of luxury brand. She did so by filling an empty gap in the market, between that of classic fashion and cutting-edge fashion. The goal of this change was to attract younger customers while retaining their core customer base. While repositioning a brand is always risky, finding a niche market and not directly competing with these other luxury brands helped Burberry to minimize some of the risk from the change. Burberry also limited risk by catering to both fashion and function. The next change that Bravo made was to update the product line. Bravo and her team drastically cut the number of products from 100,000 to 24,000, eliminating outdated designs and creating a consistent look across all of their products. They began to classify their products into two separate categories: continuity or fashion-oriented. The continuity products, such as the classic trench coat, were expected to have a life cycle that lasted  over a number of years. The fashion-oriented products were designed to react to the newest fashion trends and typically only had a seasonal life cycle. These changes significantly reduced the risk of the Burberry transformation. Burberry had three primary collections: womenswear, menswear, and accessories. The womenswear line expanded from its traditional focus on winter and autumn season to include apparel for the spring and summers seasons as well, appealing to a broader range of customers. The meanswear collection was very â€Å"cross-generational†, spanning from young urban professionals to older, classic men. The accessories collection was not as fashion oriented and also did not have to accommodate different size variations, so therefore it generated less risk than the apparel collections. The establishment of flagship stores has also helped to minimize risk by acting as a testing ground for new concepts and designs before they are distributed to a wider market. Also, Burberry has maintained a strong vision and consistent voice, which has helped establish it’s brand image and maintain its brand credibility. By expanding the brand portfolio from just the company’s core label, Burberry London, into the high end with it’s Prorsum label, Burberry was able to reinforce it’s new positioning in the luxury market. Expanding into this market does come with added risk, given the volatility of the high-end fashion market. The Prorsum label is able to mitigate some of this risk by providing Burberry with a â€Å"laboratory for ideas† that they are able to implement into other areas of their business. Burberry was also able to mitigate the risk of the transition by successfully promoting it’s new brand image. Burberry was able to portray itself as a heritage brand while at the same time associating itself with a trendier, more modern look.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Transition From Synchronous To Asynchronous Chips

In 1965, Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel made the observation that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. He predicted that this development would continue in the future and it has. Although the initial observation of transistors doubling every year has slowed down, it does still exists; only now they double every eighteen months. There is, however, a problem with this rate. By the year 2012 Intel plans to have the ability to integrate one billion transistors into a chip which will run at a speed of ten gigahertz. However, shortly after in the year 2017, the physical limitation of wafer fabrication technology will have been met. This means that either consumers of these microprocessors will have to be content with a speed of ten gigahertz, or a new method for making chips will have to be developed. Traditionally, computer microprocessors have used the method of silicon integrated circuits which was invented by Robert Noyce in 1958 and has been used ever since. This method allowed many transistors to be put on a single chip, and this allowed the creation of computers that were smaller, faster, and cheaper than ever before. Since these microchips were being created faster, a method of measuring performance had to be created, so a clock was placed inside the microprocessor. The processor clock is a circuit that emits a series of pulses with a precise pulse width and precise interval between consecutive pulses.[1] The time interval between the corresponding edges of two consecutive pulses is know as the clock cycle time. This method of measuring performance is quickly approaching its limits, and because of this the makers of these chips are looking into moving towards a â€Å"clockless† logic.[2] In order to move from the clock type processors existing today to the â€Å"clockless† processors of the future, chip developers are working on a i... Free Essays on Transition From Synchronous To Asynchronous Chips Free Essays on Transition From Synchronous To Asynchronous Chips In 1965, Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel made the observation that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. He predicted that this development would continue in the future and it has. Although the initial observation of transistors doubling every year has slowed down, it does still exists; only now they double every eighteen months. There is, however, a problem with this rate. By the year 2012 Intel plans to have the ability to integrate one billion transistors into a chip which will run at a speed of ten gigahertz. However, shortly after in the year 2017, the physical limitation of wafer fabrication technology will have been met. This means that either consumers of these microprocessors will have to be content with a speed of ten gigahertz, or a new method for making chips will have to be developed. Traditionally, computer microprocessors have used the method of silicon integrated circuits which was invented by Robert Noyce in 1958 and has been used ever since. This method allowed many transistors to be put on a single chip, and this allowed the creation of computers that were smaller, faster, and cheaper than ever before. Since these microchips were being created faster, a method of measuring performance had to be created, so a clock was placed inside the microprocessor. The processor clock is a circuit that emits a series of pulses with a precise pulse width and precise interval between consecutive pulses.[1] The time interval between the corresponding edges of two consecutive pulses is know as the clock cycle time. This method of measuring performance is quickly approaching its limits, and because of this the makers of these chips are looking into moving towards a â€Å"clockless† logic.[2] In order to move from the clock type processors existing today to the â€Å"clockless† processors of the future, chip developers are working on a i...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hieroglyphics-The Ancient Egyp essays

Hieroglyphics-The Ancient Egyp essays The Ancient Egyptian language comes from a family of languages in Africa and the Near East that have many similarities. Due to the similarities in both grammar and vocabulary, it is believed that a common ancestor existed. In scientific circles this is referred to as the Afro-Asiatic language group. The Ancient-Egyptian language was one of six branches in the group, the others being Semitic, Berber, Tsjadic, Koesjitic and Omotic. (newton) Ancient-Egyptian was a living language, which continuously evolved throughout the centuries. The oldest written form was hieroglyphic script, a pictorial design. Even though it uses a pictorial format, hieroglyphics are not a primitive script; it is a completely developed writing system that clearly communicates many aspects of the Egyptian culture. As such, the script is no less developed than our own alphabet. (shaman) The script itself evolved over time, from about 700 in the Old Kingdom to over 6000 in the Ptolemaic period. The earliest documented hieroglyphic inscriptions date back to the pre-dynastic period. Most scripts were in the form of short descriptions on pottery and stone objects (friesan). The latest know occurrence of the script is found in the temple of Philae, and dates from 394 AD. The Egyptians proved to be very flexible when using hieroglyphs, they wrote it horizontally in rows as well as vertical columns. They also were able to write from left-to-right, as well as from right-to-left. To determine the beginning of the text, one needs to look for a sign with an obvious front and backside, i.e. a human or animal, these figures always looked at the beginning (friesan). Hieroglyphs can be divided into ideograms, signs with a pictorial value or phonograms, signs with a phonetic value. Ideograms depict objects or concrete concepts. In order to more fully explain language nuances and inferences, Egyptians used phonograms. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Custom Writing Service

Custom Writing Service Custom Writing Service Some writers rightly embrace the redrafting phase as a kind of 'quality control' of their writing and as an opportunity to craft an exemplary piece of work an attitude that often brings rich rewards. For example, the Russian novelist, short story writer, and philosopher, Leo Tolstoy, author of the two monumental novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, is reputed to his first novel War and Peace rewritten eight times. His works are read by the whole world. Not all students are able to write vividly. Ordering custom writing service, you receive interesting and relevant essay written for you from scratch! Custom Essay Help Redrafting an essay is just as critical as the original drafting of the work. Redrafting provides you with an opportunity to check that: the English essay has been written in a clear, direct and simple manner trite phrases and cliches have been avoided figures of speech have been used appropriately the right words have been chosen, and rare and difficult words avoided repetitions have been avoided or, if used, handled in a skilful and effective manner redundancies have been avoided in the essay alliteration has been used appropriately sentences are of an appropriate length, and are shortened if too long the college essay is read aloud and checked for rhythm the final essay writing demonstrates the hallmarks of originality the college English essay has come together as a coherent, accessible and meaningful whole: Custom English Essay Writing To produce good essay writing it is essential to apply the elements and principles of style. The key element of style is writing with personality and voice. Through regular practice, mentoring and exposure to the unique styles of other English essay writers, a writing style can be developed and improved. A good writing essay style, in turn, can be developed and improved by upholding the principles of style that have as their ultimate purpose the production of writing that is readable, meaningful, original, memorable and successful. These principles underscore the point that it is only by sitting down and writing an essay and, at the appropriate time, rewriting the project. Custom essay servicehelped already a lot of students and we know how to help you!Custom essay writing is your solution to academic problems. Our writers know and love their job! You will not be disappointed with our custom writing service! gives you an opportunity to enjoy life while our writers are working on your assignments! If you need more information on our prices and/or services, you are welcome to contact us at any time! Read also: Sociology Paper Report Writing Help Psychology Papers Police Performance Term Paper Market Analysis Report

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Roman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Roman Empire - Essay Example 136 ) marks a significant episode in Rome’s military history, for they nearly lost the war to Hannibal, a great Carthaginian general. With the defeat of Hannibal at Zama by the Roman general Scipio, and the experience gained during the war, Rome appears to have learnt a lot from it and harbored bitter feelings at least for Carthage for the damages Hannibal caused; ravaging much of their homeland and leaving it in a deplorable state. The effect of this was to be seen in the manner in which Rome later formulated strategies, for tactical reasons, in handling her allies and foes in an attempt to expand and consolidate her empire. Indeed, it is the Punic wars that saw the rise of the Roman Empire and echoed the thud falling of the republic. With the fall of Carthage, The Romans inflicted severe punishment on her, an attempt which was meant to ensure that Carthage remained subservient. In the treaty signed between the two, Carthage agreed to Scipio’s terms which required her to pay Rome an indemnity of 10,000 talents in the subsequent five decades. In addition, Carthage was not to enter into any war without Rome’s consent and was to surrender her navy; all her warships and elephants (Koeller 2005).This defeat, coupled with the unfriendly Scipio’s terms, humbled Carthage and the Romans felt that the punishment rendered her toothless and that she was never to bite again, leave alone bark at Rome. In using this approach, Rome successfully managed to tame and robe Carthage of her political power making her to coil her tail, but not for long. Rome was not done with Carthage just yet. In a move seen as one to expand its empire, Rome turned its rage on the Kingdoms that did offer support to Hannibal during the war. Such were the kingdom of Macedon and some parts of Greece .This also saw the Mediterranean islands and Spain cede to Rome. Another score card at Rome’s disposal that came into effect during this period was the adoption of a rapa cious and brutal foreign policy: diplomacy based on trickery rather than on true valor. Lewis and Reinhold 1990 p. 202-203 provides succinctly how Rome, with their act of deceit, hoodwinked king Perseus, tactfully, with a scheme that saw him disadvantaged in a war Rome undeservingly won. Reporting their mission to the senate, notes Reinhold and Lewis, Marcius and Atillus were acknowledged for having shown skillful management in the execution of their mandate and their mission was approved. Though not a unilateral senate decision (with the older senators not amused with this decision terming it contrary to Roman traditions), the cunning diplomacy saw the day. It is in light of the above perhaps, that ruthless oppression became synonymous to Roman rule as seen in the acts of such individuals as Servius Salpicius Galba, the praetor of Farther Spain. Galba, during the war with the Lusitanians, committed a terrible atrocity, one which Reinhold terms as ‘treacherous annihilation of a disarmed populace.’ Disguised as a peace maker and a sympathizer to the Lusitanians, Galba cunningly laid a snare in which his prey unsuspectingly got trapped. Defenseless and disadvantaged as they were, the Lusitanians were easily slewed by the Roman soldiers. This unfriendly Rome’s foreign policy subjected onto uninviting kingdoms appears to have worked in Rome’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Chapter Thirteen Reading Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chapter Thirteen Reading Response - Assignment Example Notre-Dame-Du-Haut is a representation of religious discovery through its architectural design. Besides, its interior design provides a cave-like experience. The two works of art I responded to most negatively were Robert Frank’s photograph ‘Trolley, New Orleans’ and Yasujiro Ozu’s photograph ‘Tokyo Story’. Both pieces of art depict a rather sad state of affairs. In particular, ‘Trolley, New Orleans’ shows the psychological separateness among the Americans despite the faà §ade of well-being in post-war America. ‘Tokyo Story’ is centered on the theme of disillusionment of Japanese families post war. One work of art I would like to know more about is Pompidou Center in Paris, France designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. It is a magnificent piece of architecture beautifully decorated with lights, movable walls and visible escalators. I am fascinated by creativity; therefore, would be very much interested in learning more about

Ratification of constitution as a result of competing economic Essay

Ratification of constitution as a result of competing economic interests - Essay Example It establishes the fundamental principles of a national government that helps in joining the state in an effective political union. The constitution of the United States serves as an inspiring example making many other countries to emulate some of its provisions. Foner (2012) offered the economic interpretation of the constitution and according to him, the formation of the constitution was as a result of competing economic interests mainly between the federalists and anti-federalists. This paper analyses the debate over ratification of the U.S. constitution that came down to competing economic interests and the extent at which the context is persuasive or not The ratification of the U.S. constitution came down to competing economic interests that existed between the federalists and anti -federalists.This context can either be persuasive or not basing the argument on various explanations given as to why it was ratified. The federalists were individuals whose main economic interests we re connected to personal individual. They supported a strong centralized government and were in favor of the constitution drafting and ratification and they included groups of people like, bankers, merchants, shippers among others. They favored commerce and argued that a stronger federal government would bring about economic growth of the new country. Moreover, the federalist had a pluralistic vision of the society as opposed to anti-federalists this is because they viewed society as being composed of many different and competing interests and groups. An example of federalist doctrine is The Federalist Papers written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. These doctrines consisted of 82 essays and it was authoritative and great commentary on the constitution. They give a persuasive case for the need a central government for preservation of order and securing the liberty of a large republic. According to Madison ,there are two types of government, republican and democrati c and he preferred a republican one whereby the representatives elected by the people make decisions of government as opposed to democratic government whereby all the citizens are involved in decision making.Madson addressed the issue as to whether or not republican government brought about by constitution is capable of protecting the liberty of the citizens. For him the most problem of democratic government is what he referred to as faction and this problem can best be solved by a republican government by controlling its effects rather than tyranny. He argued that representatives would be more disposed to put into consideration the national interest ahead of a particular interest of the factions and argued that the nature of a large republic like U.S. is likely to naturally frustrate the abilities of a single faction so as to advance its own interests. Therefore the federal papers were in favor of the constitution and Madison saw the large size of United States as a help to the cau se of liberty rather than hinderance.The opponents therefore feared that the strength of the proposed national government would pose a threat to individual’s freedom. On the other, the anti-federalist was against the ratification of the constitution because they saw it as having many problems (Foner, 2012). The anti-federalists saw no need of overthrowing the government that existed as constitution would bring new and untested form of government. They feared that the constitution would

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Congenital Hypothyroidism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Congenital Hypothyroidism - Essay Example Those causing the latter are the thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin genes. These genes were initially described, but, most recently PDS (Pendred syndrome), NIS (sodium iodide symporter), and THOX2 (thyroid oxidase 2) gene defects were also published. Figure2: Cartoon of the TSH receptor showing the positions of all the loss of function mutations reported to date. Missense mutations are shown in the circles, frameshift and deletion mutations are indicated by arrows, and splice site mutations aremarked. Chatterjee) Figure 3: A proposed algorithm for investigating the genetic basis of congenital hypothyroidism. AHO, Albright hereditary osteodystrophy; CH, congenital hypothyroidism; GNAS, stimulatory G protein a subunit gene; NIS, sodium-iodide symporter gene; PAX-8, human Pax-8 gene; PDS, Pendred syndrome gene; TFTs, thyroid function tests; TG, thyroglobulin gene; THOX2, thyroid oxidase 2; TIOD, total iodide organification defect; TITF-1, human TTF-1 gene; TITF-2, human TTF-2 gene; TPO, thyroid peroxidase gene; TSHR, TSH receptor gene; USS, ultrasound scan. (Chatterjee) Figure 4: The Hypothalamic -pituitary thyroid axis and known genetic defects associated with CHT. (Vono-Toniolo and Kopp) Figure5.Mitogenic pathways in the thyroid. Data from the thyroid cell systems are integrated into the present general scheme of cell proliferation cascades. (CONTROL OF GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION ) Figure 6: Overview of gene therapeutic approaches for thyroid cancer (Spitzweg and Morris) Table: 1 Phenotypes of TR knockout animals. (Brent) Bibliography Brent, Jung-Hsin Hsu and Gregory A. "Thyroid Hormone Receptor Gene Knockouts ." Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism (1998): 103-111. Chatterjee, Park SM and VKK. "Genetcis of Congenital hypothyroidism." J.. Med Genetics (2005): 379-389. "CONTROL OF GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION ." Thyroid Manager. 06 04 2008 . Spitzweg, Christine and John C. Morris. "Gene Therapy for Thyroid Cancer: Current Status and Future Prospects." Thyroid (204): 434-434. Vono-Toniolo, Jussara and Peter Kopp. "Thyroglobulin gene mutations and other genetic defects associated with congenital hypothyr

Business diversification of a confectionary food and beverage business Essay

Business diversification of a confectionary food and beverage business of United Kingdom - Essay Example This report assesses the trends and pattern of international trade between these two countries especially trades and investment in the beverage industry. Implication of the international institutions on its initial entry into Indian market will be analysed. Finally, this report will recommend whether and how the company can diversify its business into Indian market. Introduction Globalization has stimulated many successful firms in all many countries for diversification of their business into foreign market. It allows two different ways for international business expansion for these successful companies in their domestic countries. One is trade and another foreign direct investment. These factors have influenced one UK based Food and Beverage Company named Crazy Food Private Limited to decide start its international diversification. The company has decided to diversity into a developing country i.e. India. The company has successful portfolio that consist of processed food, ready to eat food, snacks foods as confectionary items and soft and energy drinks as beverage items. It has well developed two popular brands in UK market, Crazy Bite and Crazy Cola. The company wants to launch these two popular brands in India and it has noticed this confectionary market in India to be growing more in next five years. So, this report will provide a detailed investment analysis for this company to assess the viability of its international business diversification into Indian market. Answer a) National business system India is a developing country having a growing economy that is 12th largest economy in the world by nominal value of gross domestic product. The country has approximately more than 17% of world population among which more than 200 millions can be segmented as high consumption oriented urban people. This segment of people is having above average income level and higher purchasing power. This is one of the major strengths of the country for attracting foreign busi ness institutions to enter into Indian market. According an analysis by World Bank, India is 4rth largest country in the world in terms of overall consumption and purchasing power of the total population of the country. 40 percent of this 200 million people are youth (IFC, n.d.). Therefore, growing purchasing and consumption trend of this large segment of people is the key attraction of this company in terms of potential customer base as youth are usually the most potential target customer for any confectionary food and beverage producer. Apart from the huge customer base, next important key resources of the country has is sufficient youth labour and expertise. This is one of the most important recourses of the country which has become the main attraction of the foreign companies especially companies from developed countries like Crazy Food. The company can get sufficient labour in comparatively very low wage rate as compared to UK market rate due to the higher difference of currenc ies of these two countries. As a food and beverage company, Crazy Food needs huge work force for production and packaging, bottling etc. National political environment of India is stable as current government and only one major opponent do not have many conflicts that can affect any areas of business national

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Components of a research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Components of a research article - Essay Example Formulating a good research question is a job half done as the paper follows the research question and hence the research question has to be posed in a structured manner. 3) Both the articles one and two attempt to answer the research question related to the generation of anxiety among the participants before a major competition. The first article proposes the question to â€Å"examine retrospective perceptions and causal beliefs about temporal experiences of competitive anxiety and related symptoms in the lead up to competition† (Hanton, 2002) whereas the second article attempts to answer the question about â€Å"To investigate the symptom responses associated with competitive anxiety through a fine grained measurement approach† (Hanton, 2004). 4) The rationale provided by the authors of the first article has to do with examining the precompetitive anxiety responses is critical to the understanding of the symptoms as effective interventions can be provided if the symptoms are understood. In other words, the rationale for the first article is about finding ways to relieve the stress in sportspersons before a major competition. 5) The rationale for article two is to find out the frequency of manifestation of symptoms so as to provide effective and timely relief as well as lasting relief. The rationale for this flow in a similar manner to article one and the emphasis is on providing treatment before major competitions. 6) A hypothesis is a tentative conclusion that the authors posit as a way of reaching the solution. A hypothesis is usually proposed without empirical and quantitative data and later it is tested against the data for validation. 7) The hypotheses that the authors were testing in Article two relates to, â€Å"In addition to examining anxiety perceptions as responses that may change over time, there is scope for researchers to consider a frequency component to the response† (Hanton, 2004). Hence the authors of article two were testing the

Business diversification of a confectionary food and beverage business Essay

Business diversification of a confectionary food and beverage business of United Kingdom - Essay Example This report assesses the trends and pattern of international trade between these two countries especially trades and investment in the beverage industry. Implication of the international institutions on its initial entry into Indian market will be analysed. Finally, this report will recommend whether and how the company can diversify its business into Indian market. Introduction Globalization has stimulated many successful firms in all many countries for diversification of their business into foreign market. It allows two different ways for international business expansion for these successful companies in their domestic countries. One is trade and another foreign direct investment. These factors have influenced one UK based Food and Beverage Company named Crazy Food Private Limited to decide start its international diversification. The company has decided to diversity into a developing country i.e. India. The company has successful portfolio that consist of processed food, ready to eat food, snacks foods as confectionary items and soft and energy drinks as beverage items. It has well developed two popular brands in UK market, Crazy Bite and Crazy Cola. The company wants to launch these two popular brands in India and it has noticed this confectionary market in India to be growing more in next five years. So, this report will provide a detailed investment analysis for this company to assess the viability of its international business diversification into Indian market. Answer a) National business system India is a developing country having a growing economy that is 12th largest economy in the world by nominal value of gross domestic product. The country has approximately more than 17% of world population among which more than 200 millions can be segmented as high consumption oriented urban people. This segment of people is having above average income level and higher purchasing power. This is one of the major strengths of the country for attracting foreign busi ness institutions to enter into Indian market. According an analysis by World Bank, India is 4rth largest country in the world in terms of overall consumption and purchasing power of the total population of the country. 40 percent of this 200 million people are youth (IFC, n.d.). Therefore, growing purchasing and consumption trend of this large segment of people is the key attraction of this company in terms of potential customer base as youth are usually the most potential target customer for any confectionary food and beverage producer. Apart from the huge customer base, next important key resources of the country has is sufficient youth labour and expertise. This is one of the most important recourses of the country which has become the main attraction of the foreign companies especially companies from developed countries like Crazy Food. The company can get sufficient labour in comparatively very low wage rate as compared to UK market rate due to the higher difference of currenc ies of these two countries. As a food and beverage company, Crazy Food needs huge work force for production and packaging, bottling etc. National political environment of India is stable as current government and only one major opponent do not have many conflicts that can affect any areas of business national

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Different Reasons People Comunicate Essay Example for Free

Different Reasons People Comunicate Essay There are lots of reasons why people communicate at work. For example, to share ideas and thoughts, to express needs and feelings, to socialise, to gain and share information, to build relationship and to maintain relationship, to understand and to be understood and to receive instructions, to give encouragement and show others that we care. In order to work effectively with children and their families, it is important to have good relationship with a range of people. Those who have good communication skills are likely to have strong relationship with children, parents and other adults. Sometimes we need extra support and services to help people comunicate properly. Translation and interpreting services I know about few cases at school where teachers had to use translator services to facilitate written communication between parents whose English is an additional language. In addition, they may use interpreting services to facilitate spoken communication. Read more:  Identify five different reasons why people communicate  essay For sensitive matters should be used a professional interpreter as they have trained to translate the message but not misinterpret it. They have also been trained not to say their opinion or change the nature of what the other person is trying to say. Speech and language services – we may need to use these services to help us find ways of communicating with children and young people. They may provide suggestions and guidance as to how to use resources such as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or training in visual systems such as Makaton. They showed up to be very efective with children with autism and down sindrome as many more. Advocacy services – a child or young person might be assigned an advocate whose task is to reflect their best interest. The use of advocates is needed for children or young people who are in local authority care or for children or young people with communication difficulties. Third sector organisations – for example, Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) – we may use these services if we have children in the setting who are hearing impairment. These services provide training courses and consultancy on deafness and disability. They also offer communication services including sigh language, interpreters and provide services for deaf and hard of hearing people with additional needs. We need to find ways of communicating with children and build relationship with them so they find it easier to settle into a new environment. When parents find that their children are happy with us they will trust us and have total confidence in us. Comunication is a key in my job role as a Nanny so I can fullfill needs of children and than pass all details to parents, so they ll know, their child is happy and safe. I use to do it thru comunication books or during the handower at the end of the day. To work effectively we will need to gain and share information. This might be from basic information about how a child is feeling, what they are interested in or it might be information about their long-term health and welfare. In nurseries and schools for teams to work well together, it is important that relationships within them are strong and professional. The quality of relationships with colleagues can be disturb or threatened by the way they tallk to each other, react to their suggestions and the tone of the voice that they use. When relationships break down in professional teams, children, young people and their families are likely to receive a less effective service as this would afect them all. Friendly comunication in work place helps building loyalty and trust, they are aware of the needs of the children and job is done properly.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparison of Different Therapies

Comparison of Different Therapies Diana Scammell Biodynamic: Craniosacral Therapy Definition: Craniosacral therapy is a holistic healing that corrects the communication between the brain and the body by restoring flow of cerebrospinal fluid. The therapy often lowers the brain wave activity to a delta state to promote deep healing. This may bring the client into an altered unconscious/subconscious state. These sessions are intended for those seeking to establish clear and conscious connections between the body mind. Personal experience: The session started with a brief interview. I then closed my eyes and began to feel a shift of what I assumed to be my energy field to the left of my body. I did not feel her touching me except when she touched my sacral area. I soon began to have visions of letting everything go and before I knew it I did. At the end of the session Diana gently touched my shoulders. I felt relaxed and had a great sense of peace. Referral: I found the technique effective in bringing me to an altered state of consciousness. I would recommend both Diana and Craniosacral work to anyone who is seeking the possibility of just letting go. Reflexology Definition: Reflexology is the application of pressure to specific areas on the feet, hands and ears. Manipulating the areas promote healing of the various organs of the body and reduces stress. The National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health funded studies that seem to indicate that reflexology could reduce pain and psychological symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, and aid in relaxation and sleep. Personal experience: The session started with a brief interview. Both of my lower extremities where propped up on two pillows. She began to rub my feet one at a time. It was very relaxing. During the treatment I began to experience current like releases from my feet all the way to my scalp making the hair in my scalp stand up. At the end of the session Diana held the top of my ankles gently and told me we were done. Referral: I had a great sense of relaxation throughout this treatment. I do believe that this technique alleviates stress. I would recommend this technique and this practitioner to anyone who has a need to relax. Acupuncture Definition: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that can be traced back at least 2500 years. Acupuncture is a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life forces refer as Chi. This energy flow is essential to our health. Disruption to this flow of energy is to believe to be responsible for disease. By inserting thin needles into specific points along meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Personal experience: The session started with a brief interview and examination of my posture. I then laid face down on the table. He placed very thin needles in my feet, back and neck. I found some to be painful. A heating lamp was placed over me. After 15-20 minutes the needles were removed. He believed my pain was due to a lack of upper back strength. He recommended exercises and stretches for my upper back and neck muscles. Referral: Acupuncture did relief my back and neck pain for several weeks. I do recommend acupuncture and Dr. Park to anyone having chronic or acute pain. Medical Intuitive and Medium Definition: Intuitive readings are different for everyone. Depending on the person conducting the reading, the focus can be on anything from releasing blocked energy and past trauma, tapping into past lives, working through a current hardship, or helping a client to activate their highest potential and life work. Personal experience: I entered a living room like area in Sherrie’s house. Sherrie began with a prayer and then proceeded to talk to me about my family and work. Several times during the reading she channeled my mother in-law and my father in law whom I had never met but wished to give me a message. She spoke at great length to me about my husband, his job and our future, my two daughters their lives their futures and some about who they were in their past lives. My father and Grandfather also came in to give me insight about past experiences. Referral: I would recommend this type of readings to anyone who is on a soul search and exploration. I would recommend Sherrie. I found her to be genuine. Massage Therapy- Deep Tissue Definition: Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains and contracted areas. The movement is slower and the pressure is deeper concentrated on areas of tension and pain in order to reach the sub-layer of muscles and the fascia. Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist uses massage oil. Personal experience: I filled out a comprehensive questionnaire. The massage therapist went over the questionnaire and a plan for the session was formulated. She started with me laying face down. She began to massage my back, upper extremities, lower extremities and then asked me to turn over. There were times during the massage that it was very painful as she tried to soften rigid tissue especially on my back. Referral: This technique was very helpful for my upper back and neck pain. I would recommend Heather and this modality to anyone experiencing chronic muscle tension. Massage Therapy- Swedish Massage Definition: Swedish massage combines various hands-on techniques including gliding, kneading, and cross-fiber friction to break up muscle knots, called adhesions. Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology as opposed to energy work. It can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on what the therapist wants to achieve. Swedish massage is performed by a trained and licensed massage therapist who lubricates the skin with massage oil. Personal experience: I was asked to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire. The massage therapist went over the questionnaire with me and a plan for the session was formulated. I lay on the table face down. She began to massage my body starting at my back, upper extremities, lower extremities and then asked me to turn over. She used a light soothing touch throughout my body. She suggested that I drink plenty of water for the rest of the day. Referral: I enjoyed this type of massage, it was very relaxing. I found no connection with therapist and would not necessary refer anyone to her. Shamanic Healing Definition: A shamanic practitioner is trained to recognize that all illnesses have a spiritual component and that everything is connected–the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental. If one of these systems is out of balance the disharmony can be felt within the entire energetic field. Practitioners and their training vary greatly. In a shamanic healing the practitioner will may use tools to assist in moving the unwanted or blocked energy. Depending on the tradition, feathers, mesas, and/or sacred songs, may be use. Personal experience: I was greeted by Steve at his home. He asked me several questions about my home life, family and work. He then explained Shamanic healing. He proceeded to chant, he used some drumming and a feather that he waved around my body. In conclusion he told me that I do not need to feel like I need to take care of others. I need to allow people to experience their soul journey and lessons without stepping in for the rescue. Referral: I am not sure that I would recommend this experience or if it was the practitioner whom I did not find genuine. Hypnotherapy Definition: Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy use to create subconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors or feelings. This is done by placing the patient in the Hypnotic state. A person who is hypnotized displays certain unusual characteristics and propensities, compared with a non-hypnotized patients, most notably heightened suggestibility and responsiveness. Personal experience: Referral: I would recommend Hypnotherapy and Andrew Spiritual Healing Definition: Meeting John of God (Joà £o Teixeira de Faria) is a special opportunity to experience physical, emotional, or spiritual healing with one of the world’s most revered spiritual healers and mediums from Brazil, where John of God has seen millions of visitors from around the world. John of God and team of healers’ leads people into a guided meditation, prayer, testimonials, and times of silence that opens them up to the healing John of God offers. Omega’s campus becomes an oasis of peace and contemplation where we can experience the power of faith within a loving community and discover how it can transform our life. John of God sees individuals briefly, and suggests their next healing step. Some say they have been cured of disease; others say that while a physical cure was not achieved, a spiritual or emotional healing was. Most say that their time spent in his presence was a profound and transformative experience. The entities and John of God are treating the whole person; therefore relationships between families and loved ones can also be repaired and restored. The glue that binds humanity is Love and John of God and the entities are most concerned that you are whole and a reflection of this love in the world, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He and the entities, through a constant and thorough cleaning of your energy field, and your own efforts, are able to elevate you in a phenomenal way to become who you truly are, radiant and a reflection of the divine on earth. Personal experience: Referral: I would recommend this experience with this healer to anyone who is seeking Physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Reiki Definition: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel for healing energy to go where it is most needed. The energy flows out of the practitioners hands while they are touching the patient’s body. Personal experience: I was greeted by Janna at her house. I lay on her massage table face up. As I closed my eyes I began to feel her hands on my head. She then worked her way down my body. I felt great heat coming from her hands. Somewhere in between my head and feet I became very relaxed and fell asleep. I felt like Janna’s hands where everywhere on my body at the same time. I felt very relaxed and at peace. Referral: I would recommend this modality to anyone. I found this modality to be very similar to Healing touch. I would recommend Janna to anyone in need of peace and relaxation.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


A CHRISTMAS CAROL (BY CHARLES DICKENS) â€Å"By Close Analysis of Staves One and Five Show How Dickens Portrays the Transformation of Scrooge and To What Effect† In December 1843, Charles Dickens wrote and published â€Å"A Christmas Carol.† He published this book when he needed money; he needed money badly because he was in debt. He decided to link it to things that are happening; that Christmas was not taken seriously, it was fading out and ghost traditional Christmas tales. Dickens used the genre of ghost stories, but Dickens did something unusual, he changed the fact that ghost stories are meant to be frightening, in this book, the ghost stories were scary. In 1843 (ancient times), there were no security, pensions, national health nor compulsory education. You were expected to work six days a week and on Sunday, you go to church (only if you had a job). Those who had no job couldn’t go to church, because they were probably in prison or workhouse. There were no holidays, you had to work on Boxing Day, and if you ended up in debt, you would be put in debt prison. Dickens grew up in this prison with his dad, he started work at the age of 12 (it was a terrible work). Looking at the Book, it was about ghosts, and ghost stories were always told during Christmas. Books were always in chapters, but Dickens wrote his in staves; musical notes. Dickens starts to compare, first, looking at the full title, â€Å"A Christmas Carol in prose,† to have a carol in prose means a contradiction (to speak against). The book written in staves, which is a music stave, is already contradicting the title. In the preface, he uses another contradiction (repetition); we will also be looking at jokes and humours. Stave1: Marley’s Ghost â€Å"Marley was dead; to begin with† this is a contradiction; we already begin to make assumptions about the story. Stave1, beginning with a negative statement; â€Å"Marley was dead..........† (A quick reference to stave 5), and stave 5; a positive statement; â€Å"Yes!† with an exclamation mark, showing that there is an excitement there, even in the first paragraph. Dickens uses repetition in the first paragraph of stave 1; clergyman and clerk, undertaker and chief mourner, and Scrooge was also emphasised twice. He uses a simile; â€Å"Old Marley was dead as a door nail†, he was being humorous; in the book he explains why he used it, but we figured out that Dickens uses these to slow down the â€Å"pace† and change the â€Å"atmosphere†, this was meant to be funny (in1843), he used this to divert people’s attention from the

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Admiralty Outline :: essays research papers

Admiralty Outline Overview Admiralty is federal law, originating in Article III,  § 2 of Constitution. i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First Congress included Cases of Admiralty/Maritime in Judiciary Act. ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supremacy Clause. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If say that case is admiralty/maritime case, governed by admiralty law, is to say that substantive admiralty law applies. i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Differences: statute of limitations, comparative laws for recovery, etc. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Main: trial by judge. From very beginning, admiralty cases are w/o juries. May be why someone brings suit in admiralty – to avoid the jury. ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Admiralty cases can’t be removed from state to federal courts. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  but most admiralty cases can be brought in state courts unless qualify under diversity. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But federal admiralty law will be applied. iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jurisdiction arises under: a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28 USC 1331: federal question b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28 USC 1332: diversity c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28 USC 1333: admiralty & maritime. iv.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  BUT, Congress didn’t choose to enact substantive law in the statutes – left to courts. v.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Courts mainly address three issues: a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  what is an admiralty case? b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  if it is, what is the admiralty rule? c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  construing the savings to suitors clause – eg, what types of cases does Congress mean to say that we only want federal courts sitting in admiralty to have jurisdiction over? Basics of Admiralty Requires: Locality + maritime nexus -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Executive Jet decision. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DeLovio v. Boit (1815): Maritime insurance policies are within admiralty & maritime jurisdiction of US b/c maritime contracts include charter parties, affreightments, marine bonds, Ks for repairing, supplying & navigating ships, Ks between part owners – etc – AND insurance. Historical limitations: -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Could only sue in rem -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Forbade actions in personam vs. shipowner, master. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rules precluding admiralty court from hearing matters arising w/in body of the country. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Forbidding admiralty jurisdiction where no influence of tide. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Forbidding admiralty jurisdiction involving building or sale of ship. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Thomas Jefferson (SCOTUS, 1825): Action arising on Ohio to Missouri river is not in admiralty, because no influence of tide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Great Lakes Act (1845): extends jurisdiction to G. Lakes. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Becomes almost superfluous after Genesee Chief, but – still allows saving to suitors the right of jury trial if wanted. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Possible to have an equal protection argument – why in GL, but not other inland navigable waters. But no caselaw.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Genesee Chief v. Fitzhugh (SCOTUS, 1851): overrules the TJ. Holds that GL Act is Constitutional. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lakes are inland seas o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hostile fleets have been encountered on them, prizes made, reason to have admiralty jurisdiction. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nothing particular in the tide that makes waters suitable for admiralty. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Limiting admiralty in country with so many inland navigable waters is impracticable.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Retail Merchandising And In Store Operations Fashion Essay

IntroductionMany companies have acknowledged that bettering their shop layout ; they will be able to increase their figure of gross revenues per square pes. Even the architecture of a shop can take to an addition in gross revenues. Within the shop layout selling scheme, there are a figure of different facets to take into consideration such as – architecture, shop atmosphere and location, ocular selling and most significantly the shop layout. Ocular selling can be anything from the shop window show to hive away atmosphere, all of these artifacts are put into action when companies wish to increase their gross revenues per square pes. There are both positive and negative ways in which a alteration to a shop layout can increase the gross revenues per square pes for a company, as because of this legion actions must be considered before a company drastically changes their layout.Executive SummaryThe intent of this study was to research how shop layouts and betterments to a shop can increase the gross revenues per square pes. â€Å"Store layout and ocular selling are two of import factors that add to the peculiarity of a shop. The interior design of the shop plays a more critical role† as show on Indian MBA ( 2008 ) . Besides mentioned on Indian MBA ( 2008 ) â€Å"Space is ever an highly expensive and scarce resource. Retailers try to maximise the return on gross revenues per square foot.† This is the best manner to depict why retail merchants see the inside of their shop as the best manner in which they can increase these gross revenues per square pes. There are assorted types of shop layouts which retail merchants would see to increase their gross revenues per square pes. This study will analyze and research how retail design, shop layout and ocular selling can assist increase gross revenues per square pes, by the usage of research into trade publications every bit good as newspapers and other beginnings. Besides in this study, illustrations of shops that have successfully managed to increase their gross revenues per square pes will be mentioned.FindingssRetail architecture is a critical mechanism in the map of market intermediation. Retail architecture is defined as those market spaces that affect the relationship between supply and demand. Architecture can straight exemplify some shops societal meanings of retail relationships ; its ferociousness every bit good as its heat, and its societal category. For illustration Harrods has a high degree of retail architecture, as it is non merely a tourer attractive force due to its external historical architecture but it besides denotes people ‘s societal category as people who are of a higher societal position or societal category would be most likely to shop at Harrods. Liberty the British section shop has a high degree of grasp for its edifices history, as Creative Director Tamara Salman of vesture trade name Liberty of London adds to her aggregation the shops extraordinary 130 twelvemonth heritage. Liberty shop is able to construct upon their heritage to guarantee that they increase their gross revenues per square pes figure. With being such a strong and historical shop it is difficult for many new and approaching companies to be able to hold such a strong autumn back for increasing gross revenues. However, retail shop layouts are of import determiners of client behavior. UK manner retail merchants are able to garner critical information sing their mark consumers which in bend enable them to make insides which successful attract these groups. In the context of the shop layout, time-poor and extremely nomadic consumers require different infinites than shoppers who at leisure shop at price reductions, and selectively during gross revenues periods at assorted phases in the concern rhythm. Besides, gender differences in shopping can warrant rather specific alterations to manner shop formats and infinite allotment. Shop layouts and the ware offered are matched to the targeted consumers to the extent that clients ‘buy into ‘ branding statements. It is of import that the retail merchant additions a positive reaction to the new layout of its ware within the shop as a negative reaction would so do gross revenues to diminish. To guarantee that a company is utilizing the right type of shop layout, the retail merchant would look into their ain shop layout analysis. Within a shop layout analysis, careful consideration is given to the merchandises being sold and their location ; this can besides be seen as basic psychological science used to lure clients to pass more money normally through impulse purchasing. Retailers can besides increase their fight by closely aiming and carry throughing their clients ‘ demands. Tauber ( 1972 ) hypothesised three grounds for shopping ; personal motivations, societal motivations and impulse purchasing. Making consumer satisfaction involves presenting quality merchandises that meet their demands and is core in extremely competitory environments. The allotment of infinite within any shop can be on the footing of many factors such as historical gross revenues, day-to-day mean gross revenues, net incomes, borders, industry norms and strategic grounds. A shop layout must besides include infinite for indispensable maps such as stock list, client service desks and altering suites. For any retail merchant to hold success in increasing their gross revenues per square pes, the must look at a figure of facets such as their fixtures and adjustments, colorss of the shop inside, lighting, and window shows. Shop insides are designed in a manner which influences consumer behavior which is referred to as Ocular Merchandising. Company ocular merchants control the usage of equipment, shows, colorss, lights, music, atmosphere and floor direction within a shop.Musics:Music can be used to increase gross revenues per square pess, as music sets the tone of the environment within the shop and as peoples tempers change throughout the class of the twenty-four hours it is indispensable to besides hold music which reflects the temper of the clients. Music which is played during the forenoon should be high energy based as clients have tonss of energy and this would intend that a company would hold more people coming in and buying points during the forenoon hours. Music during the afternoon should be more laid-back as peoples energy degrees are diminishing and they are more loath to shop through the shop looking for their wanted points compared to those in the forenoon. Similarly to the forenoon during early eventide hours, clients respond better to somewhat more up-tempo vocals. Retailers should besides take into consideration their mark consumers when make up one's minding on what type of music they should hold playing in their shops.Coloring material:Colour is another factor that can lure clients into shopping at a specific shop, coloring material is immediate, emotional and memorable. Colours conveying out emotions and feelings automatically to clients, therefore it is indispensable to retail merchants to acquire the right coloring material balance for their shop. The coloring material blue is seen as a natural component, but it is besides connected with trust and stableness, hence retail merchant who use blue within their interior design in informing clients that they are trusty and apprehensible every bit good as confident. The coloring material viridity is found to be a successful coloring material when linked to hygiene and beauty, which is the chief coloring material for the company Body Shop. All Body Shop foreparts are green and have some signifier of a green coloring material within their inside. The Body Shop besides consists of natural colorss and forests doing clients experience a sense of freshness, good health, juvenility and the coloring material viridity can besides be linked to money. Colorss within the Purple class can be linked to the emotion or sense of royalty, luxury and religious. Again the shop Liberty nexus purple into their company in the usage of their web site, correspondence every bit good as their company gift bags, this enables their clients to go forth the shop with a sense of luxury which besides makes them more likely to come and buy from Liberty once more.Fixtures and Adjustments:Within any retail shop, the fixtures and adjustments are another cardinal component to increasing gross revenues per square pes. For shelves, oculus degree and somewhat above is the best place to sell garments from, as coloring material of the garment can catch clients eyes doing them halt to look at the point. Displaies should be kept simple, and have a subject to them. It is besides effectual to include the merchandises in usage or as a aggregation which can be paired up e.g. in Primark or Marks and Spencers, many points of dressing a paired together such as shirts are sectioned with pants, skirts and sport jackets as this enables the consumer to see what the point will look like paired with something else, this besides shows that they do non hold far to travel to obtain a matching jacket for a work skirt. Besides in Primark, places are normally opposite the formal or concern wear but situated closely to accoutrements such as pocketbooks and bags ; once more this is done so that the consumer does n't hold really far to go in order to finish the outfit they required. It is besides of import to hold impulse points which are normally located near to the boulder claies so that clients are more likely to buy these along with their inital shopping, this could be anything from socks to lip rubrics.Window show:Bright and colorful window shows can do the company shop window stand out from other rivals, nevertheless the usage of excessively many colorss can do the shop expression inexpensive and put clients off traveling into the shop. The lighting used within a shop forepart should be bright as this makes it more attractive and appealing to go throughing clients. A shop window is an ideal manner of pulling new and bing clients as you can utilize a shop window to construct the company image, showcase new reachings every bit good as merchandises that are in high demand. Window shows should be changed often to maintain mark clients and new clients interested in the company, and to do them halt and buy something. The section shop Selfridges is the most competent shop for their window shows as each window can state a different narrative based on whatever theme possibly inspirational at the clip. As Selfridges window show tells a shop more and more clients are intrigued to cognize what it is approximately and where they can happen the points shown in the window, this is how Selfridges additions an addition in their gross revenues per square pes.Lighting:Proper illuming can increase gross revenues by up to 20 % , hence all retail merchants will profit from utilizing the best bulbs possible when updating their shop layout. In 2010, John Lewis changed their shop lighting as the dim illuming which was antecedently in shop caused consumers to be less likely to pass money as dim lighting can do clients to experience tired. Retailers should do usage of topographic point visible radiations, as these can be used to foreground cardinal countries or even cardinal merchandises which may be committee based, therefore the more sold, the more money the company makes.Decision:As mentioned throughout this study, companies need to selectively make up one's mind which options will be best for them to be able to increase the gross revenues per square pess as the initial reaction of the clients to a new shop layout is the make up one's minding factor as to whether the company will aim more clients or lose clients as a consequence. Companies should pay close attending to the information they already poses about their clients and utilize this to their advantage, they should besides be cognizant of their rivals so that they are able to ever be one measure in front, hiking gross revenues as they go.